Wednesday, February 19, 2014

First Post!

Hello Fellow Gamers!

           Hi everyone! My name is Nolan and I love video games! Before I get started with this "blogging" thing I want to take a second to tell you all a little about myself before we get to the good stuff! 

           I am from upstate New York and am currently a Sophomore at St. Joseph's College of Maine. Also known as Hoth during the winter for all of you Star Wars fans out there! My major in college is communications with a focus in new media. Someday I hope to be involved with a gaming company with press and and other areas of communication in the company; I am still in my fourth semester of college so I'm still figuring what I really want to do. Also, working with the NHL (National Hockey League) would be another dream come true! Why the NHL? Well, obviously by the name of the blog I would love to be involved with video games, but I have been playing hockey my whole life and I really love everything about the sport! But we will leave it at that because this is a GAMING blog!

          I also enjoy offroading with my dirt bike and four wheeler! Its a great way to get away from everything sometimes. I love anything with a motor that will take me down the trails and on an adventure! Some could say, for a gamer I'm pretty outdoorsy!

          But enough of my life, lets get down to video games! My first gaming console was a Playstation 1. It didn't get that much use because I was still kind of young to understand how to play. It was when I got my Nintendo 64 that I started putting some serious crunch time into Super Mario 64 and shooting my friends up in 007 as well as many other games! Then came my Nintendo Gamecube. Its actually a funny story of how I acquired mine! I was in the middle of my youth hockey season in about 2nd or 3rd grade. I really wanted a Gamecube but both my birthday and Christmas had already passed. But, one Saturday morning on the way to my hockey game I explained how much I wanted a Gamecube to my mother. She then said to me, "If you score a hat trick this game, I will buy you a Gamecube." (a hat trick is 3 goals in one game). I took her up on that and shook her hand on it. Did I actually think I would get a hat trick at this game? Of course not! Scoring one goal in hockey is pretty hard. But it happened and I got my Gamecube! Maybe in a later post I will explain the story more, or possibly on my upcoming YouTube channel. Next was my first gaming love. My original Xbox! It was here I fell in love with Halo, Fable, and a few others. Halo 2's online multiplayer really got me into gaming as a community. Next, I got my Xbox 360. What gamer doesn't at least have a 360? Yes that is my opinion as far as PS3 and Xbox 360 go. Unfortunately, my 360 kept breaking so I invested in the 320 gb HALO 4 Edition Console. The thing is beautiful! And now, I have my PS4! Yes I know what you are thinking, what a traitor! Yes, I did say xbox 360 was better than ps3 in my opinion but in this current generation I rather have a PS4 than Xbox ONE; I will get into that at a later post.

        Some of my favorite genres are: Adventure and RPG games (Fable, Elder Scrolls, and Assassins Creed if its possible to classify it as an RPG when its technically action/adventure), shooters, horror games like Outlast and Amnesia, racing, and indie games.

        Well, theres my little introduction for you guys! I hope you all enjoy what will come in the future on this blog! Also, watch for my upcoming YouTube channel! I will post a link to it when I work everything out (I do have lots of studying and hockey practice!). And I do appreciate feedback as I want to be successful with blogging! So please leave comments below and feel free to contact me with anything else! 

Happy Gaming!

- Nolan

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